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The Crypto and Blockchain Economics Research (CBER) Forum is a collaboration among research faculty members hailing from leading universities. Our primary focus is to advance research examining economic questions associated with blockchain, both by promoting such research through events and also by providing research support. We were created by our Founding Committee, and we are pleased to receive guidance from our Fellows in our various initiatives. For specific details on our event planning, please email or consult our Organizers.

Our initiatives include two monthly virtual seminar series. Our Webinar series consists of a single speaker and occurs on the first Thursday of each month from 11 AM - 12:15 PM ET. Our Symposium series consists of several speakers presenting around a common theme and occurs on the third Thursday of each month from 11 AM - 12:30 PM ET. Both series take a break in the summer and winter of each year.

We also hold annual conferences. Our next annual conference will be in June 2025 in New York City, hosted by the NYU Stern School of Business. Please see our Conference page for additional details. Our previous conference have been hosted by University of Toronto, Cornell University, Boston University and Columbia University.

Recently, we announced a new initiative, the Crafting the Cryptoeconomy (CtCe) initiative, which is joint with the Uniswap Foundation. Our initiative entails funding for research (upto $50,000 per year) and an annual conference. The annual conference is intended to educate researchers on the most recent developments in the cryptoeconomy and funding will be given specifically to proposals that address the most recent developments with rigor. We therefore highly encourage grant applicants to attend the CBER CtCe Conference. The inaugural CBER CtCe Conference will occur on October 25 - 26 in New York City at Columbia University. For more details including registration links and the program, please consult the CBER CtCe Conference website. For more details on the CtCe initiative, please consult our CBER CtCe Initiative page.  

To stay updated on our upcoming events, please visit our Upcoming Events page. You can also click HERE to add our events directly to your Google Calendar. For videos of our previous events, please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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